Group 1B & 2 English WRiting


We will be working on an essay this month. We will likely publish another Gazette in the next month or two.

Choose one of the prompts below for your essay. We will work through all of the steps together, a little bit each day.

There are 4 prompts to choose from:


 Choose two animals that live in the same ecosystem (ie: squirrels and chipmunks, sharks and whales, polar bears and walruses) and write an essay discussing how they are both different and alike. 


 Many people are interested in team sports. Write, in detail, about one team sport that you are particularly interested in. Use various information sources to explain how to play the game, the history of the game, what it provides you as a player, or other important information the reader should know.


 Imagine you were to start your own business. What would it be? What would you have to do in order to get started? What supplies would you need? How would you attract customers? Write an informational essay describing the process of setting up your new business venture.


 In this age of high-stakes testing, many schools are opting out of recess time. They would rather the students spend that play time inside of the classroom learning. Are you for or against this practice? Explain your opinion with specific reasons and information.

GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS AND BRAINSTORMING TOOLS – A few options and different levels to choose from. I left the instructions so parents can see how to help students use the organizers best.

Here are graphic organizers that students can use to brainstorm topic ideas and supporting details. Students might need to spend time thinking through several of the topics before they settle into one, and that is fine. Sometimes students will complete three separate brainstorming sheets before they settle on a topic to write about.